My Post-Run Routine


Out of breath, drenched in sweat, and feeling accomplished - I just completed another run! As soon as I hit “End” on my running watch, I know that I am just starting the recovery process. My post-run routine impacts the effectiveness of my workouts, and ensures that I am able to properly recover and perform even better for the next run.

1. Hydrate


The first thing I do when I walk in the door after a run is head straight to the kitchen and pour myself a tall glass of water. This is my version of “Chug! Chug! Chug!” Because intense exercise results in fluid loss through sweat, it is important to drink plenty of clear fluids to prevent dehydration. After a long run or a particularly hot and sweaty workout, I will also pop an electrolyte tablet into the glass to replenish sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All of this gets my system back into balance so that it can recover effectively.

2. Stretch


The more I run, the tighter my muscles get — especially my hip flexors and calves. Immediately after a run is the best time for me to stretch since it lets me cool down from the workout while I work on my flexibility. Even when I am pressed for time, I opt to cut my run a couple minutes short so that I can ensure I have the time to properly stretch it out.

3. Foam Roll


A foam roller is something that every runner should have in their arsenal. It has been a fairly recent addition for me (despite years of being given this advice!), but I am realizing that it is crucial to my recovery. The key is to go nice and slow, and to hit those muscle groups that are the most tense. It can be pretty sore at the start, but the roller relieves tension like a little massage.

4. Refuel


Eating the right foods is necessary for muscle repair and for replenishing glycogen used up during a run. I focus on both carbohydrates and protein (about 3:1 ratio), and make sure to get my post-run meal within 30 minutes of finishing my workout. My go-to is a smoothie with rolled oats, banana, berries, kale, plant-based protein powder and milk or juice. I make this the night before so that it’s ready for me as soon as I finish my run.


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