Tips to Successfully Becoming a Morning OR Evening Runner
Fun in the sunset.
I’ve been running in the evenings much more lately. By the time I get home it’s completely dark out, so the vibe of the run is quite different. I feel like I should be winding down, but instead need to dig deep and push myself.
I definitely prefer my morning runs. It feels more effortless for me. But the struggle to wake up in the morning has been so. real. Maybe it’s winter hibernation kicking in, or maybe not having a race coming up makes motivation a teeny bit dimmer.
Morning or evening, I have definitely figured out a few ways to help myself get out the door for a run:
Go to bed earlier. Even just 20-30 minutes makes a huge difference when it comes time to wake up and move. When setting your alarm, be sure to factor in time you will need for a post-run stretch and shower.
Plan your route. Decide in advance what distance/duration you will be running, then map your route out in advance. Every minute is precious in the morning, and they shouldn’t be wasted on things that can be done in advance!
Set out your clothes. I leave my gear in a little pile in the bathroom so that I can change right away and get out the door. Bonus: your partner will thank you if he/she is trying to sleep!
Have a snack. While I am at work, about 1.5-2 hours before I think I’ll be running, I always have a decent snack. This is usually something like a peanut butter sandwich or a granola bar. This not only fuels my run, but also ensures I won’t be spending my time in the kitchen when I get home.
Set out your clothes. Yup, this one works in the evenings too! The easier you make it on yourself to get geared up, the less time you’ll have to second guess your decision to go for your work out.
Don’t sit down. When I get home from work, I put my running clothes on and I’m out the door. I don’t take time to sit down and relax, because I know how much I struggle to get up from a comfy nook. There is plenty of time to relax after your work out!
Morning or evening, you just have to get out and run!