Daily Reminder: You are Enough.


Read it. Repeat it. Let it sink in.
You are enough. Just the way you are.

Stop the comparison game. Between yourself and your peers. Between yourself and celebrities. Between yourself and your past self or future self. You are enough.

You are a human with strengths and weaknesses. These are not things that should be quantified or measured or judged. They are simply facts and qualities that make you who you are. You are enough.

You are imperfect. You make mistakes. You have struggles. You overcome struggles. You solve problems. You do your best. You are enough.

You are not everything. You cannot be everything. You do not have to strive to be everything. And certainly, you are not nothing. You are exactly as you need to be, who you need to be, where you need to be. You are alive and you are living your life. You are enough.

You are enough. He is enough. She is enough. I am enough. We are all enough.


Montreal Oasis Half Marathon 2019: Race Recap


Daily Reminder: Keep Going