Gold Star Moments
Not every effort is met by a gold medal, but that doesn’t make it any less meaningful.
Unplanned Recovery Week
Some weeks we train to increase mileage, build speed, improve strength, and push through physical barriers. Some weeks we train just to feel grounded.
Today Will Be a Good Day
I woke up this morning with a feeling of relief. Like a weight is slowly lifting off me. I am taking steps toward a better life.
Searching for Motivation
Motivation has been a struggle lately. You see the daily lace ups. You see the post-run watch photos. But unless you've been paying close attention, you don't see how hard it has been to keep moving forward.
We are still in a pandemic
We are a year deep in this pandemic, and it's hitting as hard as ever. This is a reminder that it is normal to have these feelings.
Let’s Talk (Mental Health)
If you ask me about my childhood, I will tell you it was great. I had a mom who loved me very much, and two older sisters who looked out for me.
You Shouldn't Feel Guilty About Holiday Eating
This is a difficult but necessary conversation: I want to talk about food guilt around the Holidays.
What To Do When You Lose Motivation To Workout
Motivation is one of those things that you either have or you don't. When you are not motivated to workout, it is so hard to force yourself to get out there. This video will help you with what to do when you lose motivation to workout, and will take you through the steps I take to get my motivation back for good.
How My Apple Watch Impacted My Mental Health (And How I Fixed It)
Activity trackers are made to motivate us to MOVE by counting total steps, calories burned, number of exercise minutes, etc. But what happens when motivation turns into obsession? In this video I will take you through MY experience with activity tracking on my Apple Watch, and how this perfectionist learned to be okay with missing those goals.
Pep Talk: Being Afraid (and doing it anyway!)
We all face barriers in life. Things that keep us from our dreams, our goals. But what do we do when those barriers come from ourselves? What are we so afraid of? This is a pep talk: for you, for me, for all of us.
Give Yourself Permission to REST
While we can all agree that rest is important, it’s still possible to get caught up in our schedules.
Normalize Normal Bodies
I have gained almost 10 lbs since March. I am at my highest weight in a decade. I also feel more comfortable in my skin than ever before.
If Father’s Day is Difficult, Know That You Are Not Alone
Some years I would see my dad on Father’s Day. We would have brunch and it felt like we were a normal family.