Hanging On

Hanging on by a thread over here.

I try to share real life, both the highs and the lows. It can be hard to share lows, though, when these manifest as sheer exhaustion. But I will try.

Part of it is work, and I guess part of it is the slow but continuous burn of the pandemic (it confounds everything, doesn’t it?). I feel like all I do is work and run, where running is that last thread of my sanity. My brain is fried at the end of every day, and I don’t have the mental capacity to work on any of the personal projects that usually bring me joy. I feel like I am drifting through each day, and each one fades into the next.

I hope that I have the opportunity to recharge over the holidays. I try to think positively, but I don’t always have the energy for that either. Sometimes you just need to complain without being told (by yourself or someone else) that it’ll work out in the end. It probably will, but it sucks right now.

That’s it, that’s all I’ve got. Anyone else feeling drained as we gear up for the “most wonderful time of the year”?


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