I Tried SmartSweets Candy: My Review (and Discount Code!)
Use the discount code SWEET to receive 10% off your order.
This is not a sponsored post! As always, I provide my real opinion on the product being reviewed. By using this code, I may receive a small commission.
When I was in university, I used to buy candy in bulk. I would head to the store every week and fill a clear plastic bag with my allf of my sugar-loaded favourites. I would mindlessly eat them while I studied, or while I watched TV, or even while I waited for dinner to cook (I’m serious). I would sometimes get toothaches from all the sugar – oops.
I am now a much more responsible adult. While I still totally love candy, I have a bit more control over my intake (my dentist is thankful). When I learned about SmartSweets, wow did I ever wish I had these as an option 10 years ago!
What is SmartSweets?
SmartSweets is a women-owned company that started in Vancouver, Canada. With a mission to “kick sugar”, SmartSweets candies are sweetened with stevia and only contain around 3 grams of sugar per bag. The candies are free of added sugar and artificial sweeteners, free of sugar alcohols, are non-GMO, and are coloured with natural ingredients like fruit and vegetable juices. They are also gluten-free.
What I like: They taste good
I am not one to replace indulgent foods with a “healthified” version if it means sacrificing my enjoyment of the food. But these candies taste great. My two favourite candies before discovering SmartSweets were Maynard’s Fuzzy Peaches and Maynard’s Swedish Berries. The SmartSweets versions, Peach Rings and Sweet Fish, taste almost identical. I was so excited when I tried them!
What I like: Vegan flavours
In order to get that chewy texture, many gummy candies contain gelatin, which is that derived from the collagen of animal parts. While not all SmartSweets candies are vegan, they have a whole section of plant-based candies on their website! Lucky for me, these contain all of my favourite flavours: Sweet Fish, Sour Blast Buddies, Peach Rings, Sweet Chews and Sourmelon Bites.
Here are some photos of my favourites:

What I don’t like: They are chewy
My only real issue with these candies is that I find them to be extremely chewy. I find it hard to completely chew them unless I eat one at a time and make an effort to not swallow them partially-chewed (is that weird…?). This is probably my own fault, though, because I try to eat too many at once and they end up stuck in my teeth.
Note: Since I first tried SmartSweets about a year ago, it seems that the Sweet Fish recipe has been updated so that they are much less chewy. They are my new favourites for this reason!
What some don’t like: Stevia sweetness
Stevia is a natural sweetener that is derived from stevia plant leaves. It is about 200 times sweeter than regular table sugar without impacting blood sugar (great for diabetics!). The downside is that some people may find that it can have a very sweet aftertaste. This never bothered me before, but very recently I have found that I’m more sensitive to the taste. I do not find it overpowering in these candies, but it is something to consider if you know you are not a fan of stevia.
If you are a candy lover and want a low-sugar option, definitely try out SmartSweets candies. I appreciate that they are not loaded with chemicals and that they use a plant-derived sweetener (stevia). And, of course, they taste great!
Use the code SWEET at checkout for 10% off your order. This coupon does not expire, and is valid on both the smartsweets.ca and smartsweets.com websites.