

in·tro·spec·tion /ˌintrəˈspekSH(ə)n/
(noun): the examination or observation of one's own mental and emotional processes.

Been lots of this going on lately in this brain of mine. Reflecting on my thoughts, feelings, memories, moods. Why I am the way I am, why I say the things I say, why I react the way I react. In some instances to try to improve, but mostly just to gain an understanding of my SELF.

Deep dives into self awareness are not easy. Sometimes you don’t like what you find. Sometimes it’s frustrating to not find anything. My therapist steers me away from what I would call “good” or “bad”; the point is to discover and acknowledge rather than judge. It turns out I do a lot of “judging” of myself.

It’s been an interesting learning experience and I just thought it would share. Some of you may have the impression that I really have my shit together, but the truth is that I don’t really. :)


Recipe: Gingerbread Cookies


Smoothie Bowl + Hemp Seeds = Life