2019 Self-Reflection


Self-reflection is a tricky thing. Sometimes I am proud of myself for my growth and accomplishments. Other times I find darker traits that I may not have been ready to uncover. Either way, I learn a little more about myself, gaining a better understanding of who I am and why I am the way I am. It’s a lifelong process, but an important one.

2019 had some exciting highs and extreme lows. Running was the biggest and most consistent part of my life this year. One year ago I was just barely able to run again post-injury, and I spent 10 months building myself to finishing a marathon in October (my second ever, with a 35 minute PR!). I was dedicated to seeing this goal through, but also recognize that my commitment was in part a survival instinct. I worked through some pretty heavy shit in life, all of which is far less tangible or describable in a blog post. Running is my therapy, and I am grateful for the clarity it provides my mind with every step.

This self-portrait* shows me looking tired and maybe not my best possible self. But, hey, acknowledging (and accepting) being less-than-perfect is massively important to personal growth.
*self-portrait is just a fancy way of saying selfie!


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