Running is an All-Weather Sport

Do you schedule your runs around the weather?I used to do this. At the slightest threat of rain, I would push off a run. And don’t even get me started on cold or snow! But my attitude has changed so much over the years. Regardless of the weather, yo…

Do you schedule your runs around the weather?

I used to do this. At the slightest threat of rain, I would push off a run. And don’t even get me started on cold or snow! But my attitude has changed so much over the years. Regardless of the weather, you’ll find me out there giving it my all.

The way I see it, pace and distance do not define the success of a run. Running in less-than-ideal circumstances teaches a different kind of mental toughness — and runners know the mental game is often more important than the physical.

Besides, on race day you never know what the weather will be. I am hoping for sunshine at the Scotia21kMtl next weekend, but I’ll be there either way.


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Injury Recovery: Upcoming 10K Race