Injury Recovery: We're in this Together

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6 months ago I felt like I was spiraling: Injured, not running, not lifting, losing my identity. Contrast to this today when I am getting great feedback from my osteopath and physiotherapist, and about to run a 10k race on Saturday.

So many fellow runners / athletes told me that injuries are lessons in disguise, that I would come out of it stronger. To keep my chin up, trust my specialists, trust my body. As much as I didn’t want to listen at the time, I knew it would be true.

The road to recovery is rocky. It messes with your head while you try to concentrate on healing your body. For those of you struggling with this right now, just know a few things: you will come out stronger. I am living proof.


Scotiabank 10K Race 2019


Running is an All-Weather Sport