Workout Plan - Sep 2018
I have started working with a new trainer (my old trainer left my gym!), and the timing is both great and awful:
Great because my new trainer is actually a kinesiologist, and she is very focused on my injury.
Awful because not being able to run has caused a big imbalance in my life, and this is a change I wasn’t anticipating.
We spent a lot of time discussing my ankle, what I have been doing with my physiotherapist, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and so on. That is, we spent a lot of time talking and not a lot of time working out :).
Because of her background and concerns with my injury, my first program with this trainer is very short and seemingly basic. Of course, there is more to it than that. This is a controlled workout, focusing on form and engaging the correct muscles. Each exercise is done slowly (tempo is 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down) and purposefully.
Read on to see what I’ll be doing for the next 2 weeks!
Warm up, 5 minutes
Foam rolling - 2 minutes per leg
Plank to split - 2 sets, 8 reps
Calf raise on step - 2 sets, 8 repsSuperset:
Goblet squat - 3 sets, 12 reps
Alternating single-leg deadlift - 3 sets, 12 repsSuperset:
Incline dumbbell press- 3 sets, 12 reps
Bent over dumbbell row - 3 sets, 12 repsDumbbell Arnold shoulder press - 3 sets, 12 reps
Swiss ball plank on knees - 3 sets, 12 reps
Images courtesy of Physigraphe, using the Hexfit app