This Body is Strong


Six pack abs? Nope.
Buns of steal? Negative.
Bulging biceps? Not here.

For longer than I care to admit, my fitness goals were always to shrink my waistline and to flatten my stomach. Every movement I made and each bite I ate boiled down to this superficial goal of aesthetic appeal. I thought that when I got there my insecurities would be lifted and my life would feel fulfilled at last.

I have learned, however, that happiness is much more complex than this. Happiness is killing a run I didn’t know I had the energy for. Happiness is high-fiving team mates as they cross the finish line. Happiness is splitting a pizza with my husband on a Saturday night. Happiness is having ice cream on a hot summer day. Happiness is being in a positive mental state. Happiness is feeling good in my skin. Happiness is being proud of what my body is capable of.

I may never be a fitness model, but let me tell you these legs are taking me places I never dreamed I would go.


Ankle Injury Still Kicking


This too shall pass.